Policy for Programming in the Residence Halls
Effective Date: January 7, 2025
The purpose of this policy (“Policy”) is to establish clear guidelines for New Jersey Institute of Technology (“NJIT” or “University”) faculty and staff to host programs in the Residence Halls, balancing the need for security with the benefits of academic and community activities. The University encourages academic and community engagement through faculty and staff-led programs. To ensure the security and well-being of residents and guests, this policy outlines the guidelines for hosting such programs within a University Residence Hall.
This policy applies to all University faculty and staff who wish to host academic and community programs in the Residence Halls that may include non-student/non-University participants.
1. Residence Hall(s): The University-managed living facilities (i.e., Cypress, Greek Village, Laurel, Maple, Martinson, Oak, Redwood).
2. Faculty and/or Staff: Employees of NJIT including professors, administrative staff, and all other personnel. 1
3. Programs: Events, workshops, seminars, and other academic and community activities organized by University Faculty and/or Staff that do not include student
participants. 2
1. Eligibility and Approval:
a. Only University Faculty and/or Staff are eligible to seek approval to host Programs in the Residence Halls. You may, however, invite outside guests with the prior written approval of the Director of Residence Life (or designee).
b. All Programs must be approved in writing by the Director of Residence Life (or designee) at least three (3) weeks prior to the Program date.
c. A written application form detailing the Program, including objectives, schedule, and expected number of participants, must be submitted for approval.
d. Residence Hall space for a Program cannot be reserved for more than three (3) hours at a time.
2. Scheduling and Timing:
a. Except during a blackout period, Programs may be scheduled, Monday-Friday, 8:30am-9:00pm or with the approval of the Director of Residence Life (or designee).
b. Blackout periods include but are not limited to: Opening and closing of the Residence Halls; final exam periods, and dates the University is officially closed, including, but not limited to, for holidays and inclement weather.
c. Faculty or staff who would like to use space in the Residence Halls outside of the standard hours or on the weekend should reach out to the Director of Residence Life (or designee) directly to request an exception. Residence Life will review these requests on a case-by-case basis.
3. Safety and Security:
a. All participants must pre-register and check in at the front desk of the Residence Hall where the Program is occurring. A valid NJIT ID card is necessary for entry into the Residence Halls. A Program host, provided by the Program organizer, must be present at the front desk to check in and check out participants and accompany the guests to the designated space.
b. A list of participants must be provided to the Director of Residence Life (or designee) 48 hours prior to the program. Any additional participants added after the list is provided will need prior written approval from the Director of Residence Life (or designee).
c. Programs and all participants must comply with all University safety protocols and emergency procedures.
d. If a program involves the collection of funds (such as ticket sales, donations, or merchandise sales), the program organizer must coordinate with NJIT Public Safety to implement appropriate security measures. The sponsoring faculty or staff member is responsible for covering all associated costs, including security personnel fees. Additionally, the sponsoring faculty or staff must ensure full compliance with NJIT financial handling procedures.
4. Facilities and Equipment:
a. Requests for specific resources must be made at the time of application. All Media & Technology Support Services (MTSS), catering, etc. is the responsibility of the Faculty and/or Staff reserving the space.
b. The use of facilities is subject to availability and must be coordinated by the Program organizer with Residence Life.
c. Residence Life furniture may not be removed from the space, unless approved in writing by the Director of Residence Life (or designee).
5. Responsibilities:
a. Program organizers are responsible for ensuring the Residence Hall is left in the same condition as it was found.
b. Any damages or additional cleaning required as a result of the Program will be the responsibility of the Faculty and/or Staff organizing the Program.
6. Conduct and Compliance:
a. All participants must adhere to all applicable University policies, including, but not limited to, the University’s Codes of Conduct and Residence Hall rules.
b. Failure to comply with this Policy or any associated guidelines may result in the revocation of Program’s privileges.
The Director of Residence Life (or designee) is responsible for the enforcement of this Policy. Any violations of this Policy will be addressed in accordance with University disciplinary procedures.
For questions or further information, please contact the Director of Residence Life, Karen Quackenbush, quackenbush@garfie1d.com, 973.596.5347
1. Program Application Form
2. Residence Life Policies
3. University Code of Conduct
4. Fiduciary Responsibility
5. Alcohol Policy
1 Requests for space must come from current faculty or staff. Alumni cannot reserve spaces.
2 Summer Camps and Conference Groups enter into specific contracts with Residence Life which govern access to the halls and use of the facilities.